The program’s curriculum determines the length of a coding bootcamp, with the average coding bootcamp taking around 16 weeks to complete.
- Coding bootcamps vary from as little as one week to just over one year, depending on the number of technical topics and skills being covered.
- The length of a coding bootcamp is inversely correlated to the intensity levels and time commitment expectations.
- The primary reason for considering the length of a coding bootcamp is to evaluate if the cost being charged aligns with the amount of time you will spend with the lecturer to avoid subscribing to certificate mills.
- The shortest coding bootcamps often require you to enroll for full-time lectures, having to attend classes the entire week. Conversely, the longest coding bootcamps are often part-time with self-paced learning.
If you are looking to enroll in a coding bootcamp, a major concern is how long the coding bootcamp will last. A few factors influence the length of a coding bootcamp chief among them are the learning formats and lecture models. On average, coding bootcamps take up to 4 months to complete.
Let’s take a detailed look into how long coding bootcamps are, why a bootcamp program’s length matters, and various coding bootcamp lengths.
How long is a coding bootcamp?
The average coding bootcamp program lasts for around 16 weeks. However, that’s bound to change depending on the type of programming languages, coding tools, and environments covered. Some bootcamps extended past six months, with some going up to 1 year; however, several factors can influence the length of the program, such as quantity, quality, and time flexibility.
What influences the length of a coding bootcamp?
Amount of content covered.
Most coding bootcamps have varying curriculums, determining the content the lecturer will cover throughout the program. This, in turn, influences the length of a coding bootcamp as the more content you have to cover, the more lectures you will have to attend. The introduction classes will take students through fundamental concepts of the specific coding program. While these are often detailed, they don’t break down complex concepts to first principles, as it’s often the case with college degrees.
The content will also vary depending on the technical tools you will cover in the program. This may involve taking learners through development environments, learning software coding fundamentals, and working with various development frameworks.
Learning protocol
Coding bootcamps offer flexibility in learning arrangements whereby you can pursue in-person or online classes. Full-time schedules with in-person lectures last around 12 weeks. Part-time in-person lecture programs can last up to 24 weeks.
Bootcamp programs with online classes require students to spend 30 to 40 hours per week if it’s a full-time online program. Part-time online courses can require around 20 hours per week of self-paced learning. Online learning protocols often require you to spend more time outside class working on projects and extra reading learning material to keep up with the fast-paced curriculum.
Hybrid learning models combine asynchronous and synchronous learning, where you are expected to attend specific live lectures, in-person or online, and self-paced learning. Hybrid models can last around 16 weeks.
What length of coding bootcamp is right for me?
Prospective students researching coding bootcamp and the length it takes to complete have to consider your time availability, pre-existing commitment, and preferred learning methods. Let’s delve deeper into how these factors will help you determine which length of coding bootcamp is right for you;
Time constraints
Your coding bootcamp choices are limited by the amount of time you have each day that you can allocate to attending classes. If you have a busy schedule that only allows you to take on evening and weekend lectures, you might want to look into a part-time coding bootcamp program. These often take longer to complete as you can only cover a few topics each month, and you can expect the program to last as long as 6 to 12 months.
If you have more free time during the weekday, you can sign-up for a full-time bootcamp or a hybrid learning program that allows you to attend on-site lectures when you are available and tune in to online classes when you are away. Most self-paced bootcamps will last up to 16 weeks, while accelerated full-time programs last three months or less.
Learning preferences
While coding bootcamps are often fast-paced, you might want to consider signing up for a program that aligns with your learning style. Some learners prefer guided instructions which leads them to sign up for on-site lectures whereby they can interact with the lecturer and other learners. Such programs can last up to 6 months, and the learning style is often synchronous.
If you prefer to learn independently, you should look for asynchronous programs that allow you to study at your own pace. If you want interactive learning mixed with independent studies, you can sign up for hybrid programs that will enable you to work on hands-on projects and practicals with team members while still covering theory in the form of text and video lectures on your own. Hybrid bootcamps can last up to 1 year.
Coding bootcamp fees tend to rise as the programs get longer. However, it’s a matter of trade-offs. Opting for the shortest and cheapest program might not give you the requisite tech skills and knowledge. Conversely, opting for the longest program might set you back over $20,000 for a year’s worth of lectures that, in most cases, might be too general for the specific job search. Another point to note is that your financing options might require you to enroll in a full-time program, especially if you are looking for income share agreements.
Career goals
Your career goals will guide you in which coding bootcamp program you want to enroll in, which will determine how long you will need to attend classes. If you are just looking to upskill, you may opt for shorter bootcamp program lengths, but if you are new to the tech industry, you may have to enroll in more comprehensive bootcamp programs, which in most cases take more than 6 months. The same applies if you don’t have prior programming experience, in which case you might want to go for a longer-term program, preferably one that includes a coding language.
Types of bootcamp lengths
Two weeks and below coding bootcamps
If you are already in the tech industry and just looking for a refresher course on a specific coding language or a programming environment, then the two weeks coding bootcamps are your go-to choice. These programs are rare and are designed as prep courses to equip learners with foundational knowledge and introduce them to the latest concepts in their specific area of specialization.
Most of the two weeks and below bootcamps require full-time attendance, and the learners are expected to undergo a fast-paced training period. The curriculum, in this case, often focuses on frameworks and prep for programming languages such as Python or R but with a specific role in mind, such as data science.
One to two months coding bootcamps
One to two months of coding bootcamps cover fundamental concepts and often have an extensive curriculum. These programs are often on-site, with a few offering online classes, and you can expect to cover 50 to 70 hours per week in terms of study time. These bootcamps equip learners with computer science concepts and the most in-demand skills that make them marketable to potential employers.
Three to four months bootcamps
The three to four months coding bootcamps are the most common programs. These require students to attend either on-site or hybrid pictures to commit anywhere from 50 to 70 hours each week. The curriculums involved are often job-specific to equip learners with the best skills and knowledge on various hard and soft skills.
Depending on the bootcamp, you may opt for part-time self-paced studies, or you may have to attend full-time on-site classes. These programs often include hands-on coding projects that you can add to your portfolio upon competition. Three to four months bootcamps cost around $10,000 to $15,000.
5 to 6 months coding bootcamps
If you want to join the tech world and have a busy schedule, signing up for a 5 to 6-month-long coding bootcamp program is the best option. These often allow you to take part-time classes with the opportunity to pursue the program either entirely online, on-site, or a combination of both. The in-person courses often require 1 to 3 lectures per week, and you get full access to learning materials in the self-paced online option.
A 5 to 6-month coding bootcamp will equip you9 with programming fundamentals in a comprehensive curriculum that covers various technical skills for each role. The costs for these programs vary greatly depending on the learning model, with the cheapest going for $3,500 and the most expensive exceeding $20,000.
7 months to 1-year coding bootcamp programs
Coding bootcamps that take more than six months up to one year are rare as they often target employees with full-time jobs looking for part-time classes. These programs often require students to sign up for self-paced online learning or attend evening and weekend classes. The bootcamps need 5 to 15 hours of weekly study time outside instruction time to keep up with the slow-paced curriculum.
Students who sign up for the 7 months to one-year coding bootcamps get access to learning materials online, although the programs might include group projects where applicable. Depending on the institution, these packages cost around $15,000 to $20,000.
Frequently asked questions on coding bootcamp lengths
Are all long coding bootcamps expensive?
While most of the long coding bootcamps charge extra for the additional content, the cost difference is usually within the $3,000 to $5,000 range. This might be more expensive, but the added convenience of taking part-time classes and following a self-paced curriculum outweighs the extra cost.
Are coding bootcamps longer than degree programs?
Coding bootcamps are typically shorter than degree programs which can take up to 4 years. Remember that not all bootcamps follow a fast-paced learning model, so some programs that might appear too long constitute the same amount of content you would have learned in a shorter period.
What bootcamps take the longest to complete coursework?
Full stack web development and software engineering bootcamps take the longest to complete. Hybrid programs for mobile development and bootamps that prepare students to become web developers and software developers might take longer if the coding skills cover a wider range of topics. However, part-time programs that a software engineer can sign up for to learn coding languages are shorter than computer science degrees.
What happens if you get left behind in a coding bootcamp?
Short bootcamps that take learners through a cutthroat curriculum tend to have higher dropout rates as not all students can keep up with the fast-paced learning. Most bootcamps do allow learners to apply for a deferral if they get left behind. The best alternative is to switch to a longer coding bootcamp that permits self-paced learning where you can independently learn, take tests, and complete projects at your pace.
Which coding bootcamp programs have a high job placement rate?
Both short and long bootcamps that offer specific job outcomes tend to have higher job placement rates than programs that don’t have a particular career path for learners. While most of the statistics on job placement rates should be taken with a grain of salt, employers tend to prefer bootcamp grads with specific skills.
What is the difference between a long coding bootcamp vs. a traditional coding bootcamp?
The difference between a traditional coding bootcamp and a long coding bootcamp boils down to the time it takes to graduate, whereby a conventional program takes 12 to 16 weeks while a long program can go up to 1 year.
Is a computer science degree better than a program in the coding bootcamp industry?
A computer science degrees offer a wide range of career options, but coding BootCamp graduates are also competitive, and the coding bootcamps cost far less than a computer science degree.
Most coding bootcamps are 12 to 16 weeks long, with a few exceptions being either short or long, depending on the learning style and the curriculum. If you are looking for a fast-paced learning program that covers the fundamentals and technical knowledge in a specific tech field, you should opt for three to four months long boot camp. However, if you want to refresh your skills, a shorter program is preferable, while a long coding bootcamp is the best choice for beginners interested in self-paced learning.